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The Oslo International Flamenco Festival (OIFF)  was formed in September 2015 and had its first edition in August 2017.


The festival is arrange by 'Norges flamencoforbund'. We are a voluntary organization that promotes flamenco in Norway. Through cultural, artistic, experimental, intellectual and sustainable projects we promote dance and music in order to develop people's learning and movement sense, strengthen their joy of life, self-image and curiosity for their surroundings.


We use Flamenco's toolbox to work on topics such as belonging, equality and rights, the environment, cultural heritage, as well as meeting different cultures, languages ​​and generations.


The Board of Directors was formed by students and teachers of Flamenco living in Norway and Scandinavia with support from Spanish professional artists, organizations, managers and artists from other countries.


You can read more about Norges Flamencoforbund on our website:



About Oslo International Flamenco Festival:


OIFF seeks to share important human values ​​through various social themes and flamenco art. The background for the festival is a desire to increase knowledge about flamenco, cultural diversity and intercultural integration and understanding. The festival is an arena in Oslo and Norway for local and international professional flamenco artists to perform, teach and share, as well as, amateur artists and students at flamenco schools to learn, share and practice flamenco through various cultural activities.


OIFF has created a dynamic bond and gathering point for flamenco where national and international artists gathered and create high level performances and unforgettable human experiences. 


The idea of ​​this festival came as a result of the following aspirations:


· strengthen tolerance and cultural diversity through art

· strengthen flamenco in the Nordic countries

· promote innovation and new methods for collaboration

· create artistic activity across borders.


This is international festival consists of several larger and smaller events with specific programs for children, youth and adults and has a strong nordic collaboration.

Meet The Team


Bellali Austria

Founder & producer


Alberto Castillo



Miriam Martinez

Coordinator - Accountant


Kari Jonsson


Reibel Austria & Javier Berrocal

Film & photo

sponsors oiff.png
  • Bellali Austria
  • Flamenco Norge
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